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Governance, Risk and Compliance

Governance, Risk and Compliance

Boards and senior management too often see risk management and compliance as roadblocks to doing business effectively and efficiently.  Too often, they are at least partly correct and sometimes they are almost entirely correct.  And too often, risk and compliance are seen only as an unfortunate and unavoidable cost of doing business.

But increasingly there are headlines about corporate failures in risk management and compliance – loss of reputation, valuable time and attention of senior management being soaked up dealing with regulatory investigations, sky-high fines. Jail terms, job losses and loss of customers who, increasingly these days, value reputation.

We have broad and deep experience in aligning risk management and compliance to an organisation’s mission, vision and values and increasing accountability for key objectives, risks and initiatives. We work with Boards and C-suite executives to devise governance, risk and compliance solutions to support the success of their operations while providing the Board with level of oversight it needs.