T +65 6829 7031 | F +65 6829 7070

Legal advice should … never be pointless!

Legal advice on its own is rarely enough. The practical context always counts; often workplace politics has a role; pragmatism is key. It’s pointless to get legal advice that is perfectly correct legally, but is useless in any real sense. The advice I give is never pointless.

I find solutions for experienced executives personally, especially if they face employment termination. And for their companies if they are exploring a new product or service offering or going into a joint venture or restructuring or buying or selling a company to take advantage of new opportunities or technologies. The list is endless because there’s always a new opportunity just around the corner or an issue to solve pragmatically.

I’ve worked as a lawyer in Singapore since 2000 … but that only tells part of my story. If you’re representing a business – including a startup – in Singapore, I can help you with practical advice and a business-friendly outlook. If you’re not – if you’re from Australia, the UK, the US or elsewhere – I can ‘translate’ business and legal concepts from your home country into what works in Singapore. Or more generally comment on expectations across the Asia Pacific region.

I’m interested in you. Let me know what you are interested in – just a short note and we can follow up with an online chat at your convenience.

Our services

We specialise in the online world and on governance, risk and compliance.  We offer general business and corporate law advice, particularly helping businesses new to Singapore with the differences between ‘how things are done’ legally and culturally in Singapore versus how they are done at home.


Data protection / privacy, artificial intelligence, data governance, cybersecurity



Employment – Employer and Employee



Legal Advisory – Corporate and Commercial Law



Risk & Compliance